Actor-turned-TV host Govind Padmasoorya and actress Gopika Anil have officially become life partners in a traditional Hindu wedding at Thrissur's Vadakkumnathan Temple. The celebration continued with the couple having a blast during their wedding festivities, including the vibrant sangeet and Haldi ceremonies. The duo tied the knot in a Hindu traditional ceremony, with Govind looking dashing in a traditional Mundu and Gopika exuding grace in a Kerala Saree.
In a highly anticipated event, actor-turned-TV host Govind Padmasoorya and actress Gopika Anil have officially become life partners, sealing their union in a traditional Hindu wedding at Thrissur's Vadakkumnathan Temple. The much-awaited celebrity wedding unfolded with grandeur, and the couple, known for their surprise engagement announcement, delighted fans by sharing the first glimpse of their wedding festivities.
The duo tied the knot in a Hindu traditional ceremony, with Govind looking dashing in a traditional Mundu and Gopika exuding grace in a Kerala Saree.
The shared picture from the ceremony captured the couple's joy, accompanied by the caption, ‘In the abode of Sri Vadakkumnathan!'
The celebration continued with the duo having a blast during their wedding festivities, including the vibrant sangeet and Haldi ceremonies. Social media was abuzz with images from these events, creating a visual feast for fans and followers.
Govind Padmasoorya, renowned for his hosting roles on popular shows such as' D 4 Dance' and ‘Bzinga Family Festival,' has won the hearts of Malayalam TV audiences with his amiable personality and engaging hosting style. Gopika Anil, currently essaying the lead character Anjali in ‘.
Santhwanam has carved a niche for herself in the industry through her talent and captivating on-screen presence.
Govind Padmasoorya & Gopika Anil Wedding Images: